Mysteries of the Heart Revealed
During a women’s prophetic night hosted by Kingdom Movement in Spring 2024, the coordinating leader organized a unique time of impartation. She had some of us leaders line up across the front and announce what area we wanted to pray into. I had sensed the Lord leading me to pray for those women called to the apostolic: pioneering, bridge-building, and who felt called to build from heaven’s blueprint.
I had about six or seven women come to me and say that they were there in my line because God had impressed on them to get in my line!

I had so much fun with the Holy Spirit. He was giving me words of knowledge or prophetic words for everybody that were much more detailed than typical. I encouraged women to record my prayers so they could test every prophetic word. With that gauge to reference, I was amazed that I prophesied over each person between 4 and 10 minutes straight! So much fun! This was the first time I had ministered that way at Kingdom Movement (back to back prophetic words).
I was on cloud nine and prayed as long as people wanted, which meant that I finished at 11:11, after everyone else had long-finished and they were nearly done cleaning up! Pretty wild! God had impressed on my after my September 2021 Brazil trip that what I saw there I would also see in America, and this felt like first fruits of that promise. It felt like Brazil vibes for sure with the level or prophetic insight I was operating in! Except for I could stay until the very last with no one ushering me on the bus back to the hotel!
The next Sunday, I heard a testimony about a woman I had never met who was in my prayer line. She’d been invited from a few hours away by her sister. When her turn came, as with so many other women, I asked her a question testing the word of knowledge I’d received. Then I moved into prophetic prayer for several minutes. She was moved to tears, but had not said anything much to me other than thank you when she walked away. After the service, she had asked her sister when she’d filled me in on her life situation because I had prayed directly about things I had no way of knowing otherwise. When the sister explained she hadn’t said anything about her to me, it was greatly encouraging! God saw the depths of her heart and demonstrated his love for her by giving a complete stranger the words to best encourage her. He is such a good father!