Jesus as First Love
In Curitiba, Brazil, I spoke on Jesus as First Love.
Think about someone you know who’s madly in love… Someone in love will always get more creative and thoughtful than someone acting out of obligation or because they have a job to do. We were designed to be madly in love with the God of all creation because he is madly in love with us.
Love covers you as a shield and pushes out other fears because it re-orients your sense of importance.
His love will trade:
- Fear for bold love
- Pride for a heart at home in his satisfaction.
Following Jesus fully will lead you into uncomfortable places and incredible experiences.
No ministry achievements, no soul count, no title, no recognition will ever satisfy you.
After the crowds say yes, after deliverance, after healing… in the end, you still go back to the hotel alone… That moment is pivotal.
That moment after the criticism or the applause.
Being ready to look to the heavenly eyes of the only one who matters. Turning your attention to him behind closed doors you hear, “good job son, good job daughter. I liked your sermon.”
We get to live from the perfect love of Jesus and pour out from there.
I did an altar call for all who identified idols or compromise in their lives to come and repent. It was also for everyone who was weary or who saw the lack of love within themselves and needed a fresh baptism of Jesus’ love. Just about the entire room was on our knees together at the altar in a very emotional and beautiful time of prayer.
We never stop needing more. I was personally crying out for more of Jesus’ love, too. An honest assessment clarifies the gaps in our love. Are we turning away or towards those God’s put in our lives to love? Where are your my joy levels? Join with me in asking the Father for a fresh baptism of His love.
We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19 😊💗